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Voucher Awards

The goal of the voucher program is to assist investigators in developing resources and/or preliminary data to facilitate hypothesis-driven research initiatives. The fund is intended for projects involving critical steps in the device and drug development pathway and projects that address a critical need in translational science that are too small to be suitable for conventional internal or external funding mechanisms. Voucher applications are accepted on a rolling basis, and funding decisions are typically communicated to applicants within 10 business days.

  • Maximum award amount: $2,500
  • Admission Deadline: N/A, accepted on a rolling basis
  • Application information: 


2023 Application: Eligibility is limited to Northwestern University full-time faculty, who may or may not also hold appointments in one of the NUCATS Institute’s clinical affiliate institutions (Northwestern Memorial HealthCare, Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago, or Shirley Ryan AbilityLab). Faculty applicants must be engaged in research and be eligible to apply for follow-on external grant funding as a PI or MPI.

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