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Biostatistics & Research Design

Many of Northwestern University's Biostatistics, Epidemiology and Research Design activities take place within the Biostatistics Collaboration Center (BCC)

The BCC is housed within NUCATS and provides biostatistics expertise in all aspects of research, including proposal development, study design, data management, statistical analysis and manuscript preparation.

Specific areas of BCC expertise include statistical genetics, clinical trial design and longitudinal, multilevel and survival analysis. The BCC consists of PhD faculty and master’s-level statisticians who are committed to and experienced in collaborating with clinical and translational investigators.

Members of the BCC can help you:

  • Determine study design and sample size
  • Design a statistical analysis plan
  • Develop study protocols
  • Setup study databases
  • Tailor methods, sample size and statistical analysis portions of proposals to study aims
  • Analyze existing data
  • Prepare statistical reports
  • Author manuscripts, especially methods and results sections
  • Respond to reviewer comments

In addition to collaborating on funded grants and providing gratis initial consultations, the BCC supports a Recharge/Fee-for-Service Model (Hourly Rate). For up-to-date hourly recharge fees please visit the BCC’s Research Services and Support page.

For more information or to schedule a free initial consultation, visit the BCC website. If you have questions, please email

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